Andreas ❤ Elena

What an amazing wedding! You guys are full of surprises! We love you loads!!! You’ll always be in our hearts!!!

The Photo Experts Team

The Video Trailer

( Red Lens Films )

The Road Trip.

The Wedding Day.

Nicolas ❤ Elpida

Little did we know that when we were both 7 or 8 or 10 that this day would come where we would play a different role to each other than just cousins, and proudly step into the bride and professional photographer role!!

Loved every minute of it as we were helping these 2 crazies to join forces together in holy macaroni!!!

Cuz mu, na zisete, we love you!!!

Nikola………we have whiskey and beer.

Enjoy the photos!!

The Photo Experts Team

The Video Trailer

( Red Lens Films )

The Road Trip.

The Wedding Day.